Save The World
Not being bad doesn’t make us good. Professing great values doesn’t make us heroes. Only our actions count.
That’s not a time to be gloomy, paralyzed by fear, deny reality or stay passive. To actually be a good person, start building some credentials that affirm the values you profess.
Can any ONE of us save the world? Not really. But if enough of us do just “something” to better ourselves, become more caring, counteract environmental destruction, slow down climate change or contribute to the development of environmentally-friendly technologies, the world will be saved.
Alternative Human Community is building a collection of steps every one of us can take to become more and better and a more valuable resident of our planet.
None of the actions Alternative Human Community recommends are “charitable”. Doing good to any life form (that includes human beings, animals and the Earth) isn’t “charity”. There is always a payoff for YOU!
Image by Okan Caliskan from Pixabay