Message To Perpetrators Of Anti-Asian Crimes

If the goal of racially-motivated violence is to prove that white people are superior to others, the atrocities perpetrated on Asian Americans right now prove the opposite!

– Stop bringing shame on the white community; the vast majority of white Americans doesn’t support you.

– If you feel superior to others: prove your superiority by your achievements, don’t hide your greatness behind senseless violence.

– If you feel compelled to attack Asian Americans because of false propaganda, there never was and there isn’t a “China-virus”. Covid-19 HAPPENED to have originated in China, it could have originated somewhere else just as well.

– The first person to identify the virus and alert the world of its dangers was a Chinese doctor – Dr. Zhang Jixian – who succumbed to Covid-19 which he contracted while providing care to Coronavirus patients. He defied the Chinese government to warn the world of Coronavirus and is honored and celebrated by the Chinese people for his courage. If anything, we – Americans! – owe a debt of gratitude to the heroic Chinese doctor.

– Are you a Christian? If so, you are worshiping – and praying to – Jesus Christ, a Jew. How can a person who recognizes the superiority of a Jew have a problem coexisting with ANY race or ethnicity?!

– If you harm or murder a woman (someone’s daughter, sister, wife or mother!) you prove that you’re NOT a man. (White boys are raised to respect and protect women, ALL women: not just white women!)

– If you harm a frail elderly person…. There might be a glory in defeating a giant, but only a coward could be proud of overpowering a person in his or her seventies, eighties or nineties! (Think of your grandparents, aren’t you glad to still have them? Don’t you feel protective of them? What would you like to do to a person who assaulted them?!)

– If you’re driven to kill people at random…. STOP! Call someone you love and trust. Call your pastor. Call a suicide hotline. Something is off. No one in their right mind wants to harm or kill strangers. There isn’t any uniform, faceless group of people. Every person is different, important in their own right, valuable in their own way and IRREPLACEABLE. Rage passes, loss is forever.

– There is no logical explanation for the urge to harm others. There is no valid reason that justifies inflicting harm. If you’ve been told – or believe – that there is, you’ve been misinformed.

– Give a thought to Black Lives Matter movement. The African American community was – and is! – hurting. And yet, African Americans didn’t take to the streets to beat up and kill every white person who crosses their path. They acted wisely. Through peaceful protests, they built alliances with Americans (of all races!) who support racial and social justice and yes, legislation is gradually catching up… The African American community acted wisely and is beginning to see the results it was hoping for. Could it be a model for your agenda?

– Finally, did you consider other alternatives for expressing yourself? If you’re compelled to be a hero, why not man up and become a firefighter, for instance? Every time you’ll save a life (of ANY race, gender or age), you’ll be praised and celebrated. Plus: no one will ridicule you, call you a coward or prosecute you. Think about it, the risk is the same; the payoff WAY better!


Photo by Austin Chan on Unsplash

Sturm Enrich

The founder of Alternative Human Community Magazine is a journalist, author, sustainability champion, health nut, and self-empowerment expert. She’s here to remind you of YOUR importance. You are intelligent and curious. You don’t follow the crowd. You set your own standards. You are not afraid to think for yourself. You are a trendsetter. YOU GOT POWER! Use it.

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