Alternative Human Community Magazine raises awareness and provides motivation as we enter the era of living with climate change, sustainability, new value system and participation.
Historically, humanity had several serious problems:
Ignorance: our science wasn’t – and isn’t! – complete or 100% reliable. Traditionally, scientific discoveries as well as knowledge in general were kept secret from the public. Science and religion always served political power. To some degree, the practice continues.
Arrogance: we acted – and continue acting – on our ignorance. We are predators who think in terms of our lifespan, only. King Louis XV and his love, Madame de Pompadour, used to say: “Après moi, le déluge” (“After me, let the deluge come”).
Sacrificing ethics in the name of the almighty Mammon: corruption is as old as humanity itself. Whenever power or money is at stake, the sense of right and wrong seizes to matter.
Acceptance of powerlessness by the majority of people. Since forever, the majority accepted exploitation, injustice and obeyed “authority”. Usually, in passive silence.
Ignorance, arrogance, lack of ethics, greed and the passive, accepting majority got us to where we are, now. In many places in the world, today like in times past, the wise and right still have no power while the immoral and corrupted continue to rule. It doesn’t have to – and shouldn’t – be this way.

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash
BUT times are changing! We know better and every one of us can do more. Whether to stay passive and bear with what is or to work on changing things is a choice every person can make, today.
There are several factors in our favor:
– We have more education and knowledge than ever before (and when in doubt still, the Internet is a never-ending and constantly updated encyclopedia)
– We have seen the results arrogance, corruption, lack of ethics, greed and passivity produce. We have to claim ownership of today’s problems and condemn (criminalize?) actions that produce them.
– We are more aware of our power and better equipped to share information than ever before.
– Knowledge, technology and consumer power are on our side.
– Last but not least, there is strength in numbers.
Every person has one life. Each of us is free to choose the values we live by. If you are pro-ethics, pro-people and pro-Earth, Alternative Human Community stands with YOU!

Photo by on Unsplash
We share the same trip during the same time in history. We each contend with issues, events and emotions we believe to be ours alone. We have thoughts and reflections which we believe to be uniquely ours. Alternative Human Community magazine is here to share and affirm just such thoughts because power lies in the realization that our experiences, feelings and thoughts are to a large degree universal. YOU ARE NOT ALONE!
Alternative Human Community magazine – as well as Evolving Show, our podcast – was created by Sturm Enrich, author, self-empowerment expert, a journalist by profession, and a survivor by experience. It is her belief that as individuals we are – in many ways – but parts of a larger system and have to coexist within it. We all have to work and pay taxes, shop and consume, etc. As parts of the larger system we have to comply. Our personal freedom is limited to what we think, believe and support. Thinking, believing and supporting however have power in their own right.

Photo by Colin Watts on Unsplash
Alternative Human Community magazine is here to:
- empower the individual
- shine light on our universal common denominators
- focus attention on our collective objectives, including the need to counteract climate change
- raise awareness of ecological concerns, including safe food and clean water
- champion human rights, civil rights, living wages, access to healthcare, education and justice for all
- promote tolerance, non-violence and peaceful resolution of conflicts
- motivate civic involvement (in a legitimate political process)
- encourage positive contributions to community at large (including other people, animals and natural environment)
- combat ignorance through education
While most people are content to “consume” news, ideas and events, intelligent people are curious, reflective and proactive. They don’t settle for “digested” thoughts of others. They learn and then think for themselves, draw their own conclusions and act on them. (Meetings with thinking people are memorable because we walk away knowing more.)
Explore Ethics, Earth, The Self, Life in a Matrix, Human Community, Future, Sustainable Living, Life Understood, and Good People. Learn more, embrace your power and use it for GOOD!

Photo by Jade Masri on Unsplash
Support Alternative Human Community Magazine: participate! (Submit a guest post, perhaps?) Make a positive difference. Passivity robes us of hope. THERE IS HOPE! We have tools, we are the majority, we have a responsibility to MAKE THINGS BETTER! #ChangeTheWorld!