A Bond That Transcends War

While back, I watched a brief segment on the news. The segment was about Syrians in Aleppo. A mother and her adult son were separated by war for five long years and were about to reunite.

The adult son run toward his mother and fell down to his knees to kiss her feet. Then they embraced and the mother told him: “You are my soul.” Share on X

When the segment begun I was watching Syrians in Aleppo. By its end I watched the holy bond between a child and a mother / a mother and a child, a bond that transcends war. I couldn’t see the country, city, language or religion.

It is hard to believe that in the 21st Century – with today’s technology – we (I don’t mean we as the United States, but we as humans.) are still killing and maiming people, destroying homes, obliterating historic monuments, and inflicting untold suffering on families, children and the elderly. What lofty goal, what government or policy could possibly justify that?!

Life and death, hunger and pain, love and fear are universal; we all experience them in the same way no matter who we are, where we are, whether in war or in peace time. The reunification of the Syrian mother and her son highlights our collective humanity and transcends superficial differences between people. There is no place for politics in the holy bond of a mother and her child. Any war is a crime against humanity.

Sturm Enrich

The founder of Alternative Human Community Magazine is a journalist, author, sustainability champion, health nut, and self-empowerment expert. She’s here to remind you of YOUR importance. You are intelligent and curious. You don’t follow the crowd. You set your own standards. You are not afraid to think for yourself. You are a trendsetter. YOU GOT POWER! Use it.

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